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Privacy Policy

Last Updated: [02-12-2023]

Welcome to Khristian Luisan, the songbook app designed for the Liangmai tribe, created by the Liangmai Christian Literature Society. Your privacy is our top priority, and we want to assure you that we do not collect any personal data when you use our app.


1. Information Collection:

We want to emphasize that Khristian Luisan does not collect, store, or process any personal information about its users. We have designed the app with user privacy in mind, ensuring a completely anonymous and secure experience.


2. User Anonymity:

We believe in respecting your privacy, and as such, we have implemented features and design choices that allow you to use the app without providing any personal information. You can explore, enjoy, and utilize all the features of Khristian Luisan without the need for account creation or data submission.


3. No Third-Party Sharing:

Since we do not collect any data, we have nothing to share with third parties. Your usage of Khristian Luisan is entirely private, and your activities within the app remain confidential.


4. Data Security:

While we do not collect any data, we are committed to maintaining the security of the app and its infrastructure. Our focus is on providing a safe and enjoyable experience without compromising your privacy.


5. Changes to Privacy Policy:

Even though we do not collect data, we may update this privacy policy from time to time for operational or legal reasons. Any changes will be reflected in the app, and we encourage you to review this policy periodically.

Thank you for choosing Khristian Luisan. We are dedicated to offering you a privacy-focused experience that allows you to immerse yourself in the beauty of Liangmai music without any concerns about data collection. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us at

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